
The statutory requirements placed on your business, the really boring, time consuming and expensive bit, are absolutely key to maintaining not only legal conformance, but also a positive workplace culture, where employees have the safety and security you would expect in a high-performing organisation. The extra benefit is that you and your co-directors stay out of the courts and out of jail!


Argento can help you to ensure that your business has all the proper protections, and measures in place to prevent a statutory breach becoming an issue for you and your business.


  • Health & Safety – Keeping your people safe is not negotiable!


  • HR – Having clear job descriptions, contracts of employment and company policies ensures that everyone is treated fairly – and it’s also the law.


  • GDPR – Don’t panic – a few simple steps will keep you compliant.


  • Workplace Pensions – Easy to set up, simple to maintain and a great tool for incentivising your key people.


  • Insurance – Boring but necessary, and in many cases, the law.


  • Legal – There are a few basic legal steps to take that will keep you, your business and your profits safe.